
Building a ‘we before me’ team culture

Banks with success stories to share frequently share a common attribute, wrote Kyle Hershberger, president at Cross Financial in Omaha, Neb. Their bank’s culture and teamwork rate as a strength and competency. Strong teams focus on “we before me.” [Continue]

Taking nothing for granted: Advice for generation next

Business succession consultants rarely work with families unless the senior generation controlling the business commits to a transition. “I spend a lot of time working with the younger generation trying to effectuate change, and it’s hard,” said Larry Hause, principal of Hause Family Transitions. [Continue]

Fighting off the affliction of imposter syndrome

The term imposter syndrome was first coined by two American psychologists in the late 1970s. It’s a feeling that you’re not good enough or that you don’t belong when in fact you are good enough and you do belong. [Continue]

A celebration of holding companies

The Bank Holding Company Association was formed in fall of 1981, four years prior to the start of my career as a banking industry journalist. I remember covering some of those BHCA seminars in the 1980s when the farm crisis and the S&L mess were raging. [Continue]

Community bankers make a difference in the lives of many

Bank building photo

I’ve come to believe community banking is somewhat of a vocation. This view has been reinforced for me by the eight honorees for “Rising Stars in Banking,” whose stories are presented this month. Each of them has already made an impact, either with their co-workers or around their communities; some are also actively bettering the industry through their activism. Many of them have done all of this while also raising families. Perhaps it’s my age, but these professionals appear too fresh-faced to have accomplished so much already. [Continue]

Challenging times require intentional leadership

Two years ago, after buying my first pair of Brooks running shoes, I wrote about how its CEO (a former highschool classmate) pulled the upstart shoemaker from a cliff’s edge and made it relevant in a market dominated by Nike, Adidas and Skechers. He saved the company through a combination of tough and bold decision-making. I’m not a runner, but I appreciate the fit of my Brooks shoes and have been impressed by the way the company has engendered loyalty for its brand by fostering communities of elite runners.  [Continue]

Bank leadership should maintain an entrepreneurial mindset

Every startup begins with a vision. It’s a product, a mission, or a unique value proposition that spurs action, turning idle ruminations into a business plan. Banking is complex, requiring a unique combination of industry knowledge, business acumen, and identifying a target market to compete — whether it’s a de novo institution or expanding with a new online or bricks-and-mortar branch.   [Continue]

Agenda Item No. 1: Good governance

Just as banks must adapt their strategic goals and operations to changes in local business conditions, the broader economy, and consumer preferences, governance must also evolve in order to effectively oversee management and protect the interests of shareholders. “Right now a lot of organizations are stepping back to look at their structure and asking: ‘How can we enhance or improve it?’” said Karen Grandstrand, head of the Bank and Finance Group for Fredrikson & Byron in Minneapolis, who counsels financial institutions on governance. [Continue]

Don’t let a bad decision derail your career

We likely have all encountered bad employment situations and (hopefully) emerged wiser on the other side. I once took a job at a financial education company that was conveniently located near my home. I realized — before the end of my first week — I’d made a terrible mistake. I have a friend who likes to say “nothing is wasted” and this is certainly true when we encounter unfair or abusive workplace cultures (provided the experiences don’t break us). [Continue]

Three tips for today’s bank leaders

With the economic situation still uncertain more than a year and a half after the pandemic started, banks are facing challenges in trying to figure out how to position their institutions for the future. While I offered thoughts on an array of topics — from the need to reimagine what asset-liability committees can and should be to the importance of thinking differently about pricing — my top three ideas are: Develop new relationships, look at derivatives, and examine wholesale funding. [Continue]