
Deposit interest expense in the era of open banking

Are bankers prepared for rising interest rates causing an accelerated fluidity of funds flow? Bankers who buy in to open banking will find that it could be antithetical to their objectives to hold the line on cost of funds as interest rates rise. [Continue]

Wisconsin partners navigate M.O.E. hurdles

n ambitious merger of equals is underway in south central Wisconsin, bringing together two Madison-area organizations. The merger involves SBCP Bancorp, Inc., the holding company for the $1.6 billion State Bank of Cross Plains, and Monona Bankshares, Inc., the holding company for $1.17 billion Monona Bank. [Continue]

Taking nothing for granted: Advice for generation next

Business succession consultants rarely work with families unless the senior generation controlling the business commits to a transition. “I spend a lot of time working with the younger generation trying to effectuate change, and it’s hard,” said Larry Hause, principal of Hause Family Transitions. [Continue]

Deposits are ready to move

Banks are faced with two disparate pictures when they look at their cost of funds in 2022. Funding costs are not exploding, thus far anyway, from the highest performing banks on down. Consumers, on the other hand, are treated to more and better options for safety and higher yield with each passing month. It’s a funding landscape not seen since before the 2008 financial crisis.  [Continue]

Fighting off the affliction of imposter syndrome

The term imposter syndrome was first coined by two American psychologists in the late 1970s. It’s a feeling that you’re not good enough or that you don’t belong when in fact you are good enough and you do belong. [Continue]

Customer experience at 40,000 feet

If your business model depends on great service, you have undoubtedly spent time considering the customer experience. With money essentially a commodity, it is the customer experience that separates your bank from others.  [Continue]

The latest in data analytics

When it comes to data, two things are certain. One is the old adage of “garbage in, garbage out” — if the data quality isn’t there, it’s useless. And the second is that you can have all the data in the world, but all of your efforts are wasted if you don’t do anything with the information. [Continue]

#QuickTakes: Anna Kooi

BankBeat’s Greg McCurry talks about the latest changes and challenges community banks face and how they can they position as a trusted resource with Anna Kooi, National Financial Services Leader and Partner at Wipfli. [Continue]