Industry roots sprout valued insights to strengthen your bank
Uncertainty may be the greatest challenge a banker faces today. Natural disasters occur. Customers slip and fall. Banks are held up. The economy runs like a roller coaster…
Having worked my entire career in the industry — first as a banker in New Mexico in the 1980s and then as a bank insurance underwriter — I understand all of the risks you face, and work to bring a degree of certainty to your world.
At OneBeacon, we take on insurable risks for banks so bankers can focus on serving their customers — and their communities. As a national insurance underwriter partnering with specialist agents across the country, the team at OneBeacon brings experiences and best practices into application at your institution. Our approach is to “sit down with you” to learn about your business and get a detailed understanding of the local economy to learn the areas of exposure that are unique to your situation.
Underwriters want to make good decisions and agents want to place the proper coverage, but it’s also critically important to us that bankers be freed to focus on banking. I know bankers are constantly trying to do the right thing for their customers and community. We are here to help people, businesses and society prosper in good times and be resilient in bad times.
OneBeacon, an Intact Company
605 U.S. Highway 169 North, Suite 800
Plymouth, MN 55401
Call: 952-852-2434
Visit: onebeaconfs.com