Illinois’ Foresight Financial Group consolidating charters

Winnebago, Ill.-based Foresight Financial Group recently consolidated its six bank charters. 

The consolidation reportedly makes the $1.6 billion bank the region’s largest locally headquartered and operated bank in Winnebago County, Ill. Foresight Financial has six bank brands in northern Illinois: German American State Bank, State Bank of Herscher, Lena State Bank, State Bank of Davis, Northwest Bank and State Bank. 

Consolidation is expected to begin this year, and be completed in 2025. Each brand is expected to keep current staff with minimal changes to positions. According to the company, consolidation will enable customers to have a significant increase in lending limits, increased staffing, and more access to treasury management, commercial and agricultural lending services and professionals. 

The charter consolidation is part of the company’s focus on creating operational efficiencies, noted Foresight Financial Group President Jeff Hultman. “The charter consolidation is the next step in that process, which will reduce workloads on the individual banks, allowing them to focus on the personal connections in their local communities that are central to their success,” he added.