Indiana bank funds education expansion

Pictured from left: Mark Hobbs, Heartland Career Center director; Eric Fawcett, Bippus State Bank president and CEO; Kari Gish, BSB ag and commercial loan officer; David Terflinger, Heartland Career Center board president and Manchester Community School board president; Haley Leon, branch manager, BSB North Manchester.

The Bippus State Bank in Huntington, Ind., recently donated $25,000 towards the development of the Heartland Adult Education Career Center, an expansion of the Heartland Learning Center in Wabash, Ind. The Career Center has an opportunity to receive funding up to $5 million with a 20 percent match requirement. 

“We are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to support our community and help fund this project,” said Haley Leon, branch manager of the bank’s North Manchester office.  “The impact of this center on the citizens and businesses in Wabash and Huntington counties is incalculable and we’re proud to get behind a project of this magnitude.” 

The new 37,000-square-foot building will become an adult education center focused on advanced manufacturing and health credentials. It will serve low-income and unemployed individuals, those requiring further training, veterans and eligible spouses, ex-offenders, adults without a diploma or with basic skill deficiency and individuals at 151 percent to 200 percent of the federal poverty line. 

“We are grateful for the generosity of multiple individuals, businesses and foundations across our region that is making the Heartland Adult Learning Center a reality,” said director Mark Hobbs.

The goal of the Heartland Career Center is to assist students with honing their job search skills, identifying and working toward career goals, finding suitable careers or graduate school programs, getting referrals to employers, and boosting networking skills.

The $220 million Bippus State Bank has five branches in Huntington, Warren, Roanoke and North Manchester, Ind.