Amazing Outside Directors

Each spring, BankBeat honors Amazing Outside Directors. Nominations for outside directors are accepted at any time, but submissions close on January 6. The Amazing Outside Directors program is sponsored by Winthrop & Weinstine.

Amazing Outside Directors are people who invest in the success of their local community banks by contributing skills, insights and analysis to bank governance, all while helping their institutions develop new relationships.

Nominated individuals should serve on boards for banks located in one of the following states: North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan or Iowa.

Send nominations by January 6 to Tom Bengtson at [email protected] or use snail mail: BankBeat, NFR Communications, 250 Prairie Center Drive, Ste. 300, Eden Prairie, MN 55344.

Click HERE to nominate a director online.

Here are individuals who've been honored as Amazing Outside Directors in the past:




  • Don Johnson, First National Bank of Henning, Grand Rapids State Bank and Minnesota Lakes Bank, Delano, Minn.
  • Marcia Malzahn, Village Bank, St. Francis, Minn.
  • Dan Kadrmas, Cornerstone Bank, Fargo, N.D.
  • Dennis Everson, First Dakota National Bank, Yankton, S.D.